Synopsis: The life of an anonymous assassin takes an unexpected turn when he travels to Thailand to complete a series of contract killings. Joe (Nicolas Cage), a remorseless hitman, is in Bangkok to execute four enemies of a ruthless crime boss named Surat. He hires Kong (Shahkrit Yamnarm), a street... The life of an anonymous assassin takes an unexpected turn when he travels to Thailand to complete a series of contract killings. Joe (Nicolas Cage), a remorseless hitman, is in Bangkok to execute four enemies of a ruthless crime boss named Surat. He hires Kong (Shahkrit Yamnarm), a street punk and pickpocket, to run errands for him with the intention of covering his tracks by killing him at the end of the assignment. Strangely, Joe, the ultimate lone wolf, instead finds himself mentoring the young man while simultaneously being drawn into a tentative romance with a local shop girl. As he falls further under the sway of Bangkok’s intoxicating beauty, Joe begins to question his isolated existence and let down his guard …just as Surat decides it’s time to clean house.
This movie should be renamed to "Bangkok Ridiculous".. It's definitely an hour and twenty minutes of your life that you'll never get back.
Since seeing this movie I've been trying to go back and find ANY redeeming quality of this movie and there's nothing.. The acting was horrible, the script was horrible, and the pace of the movie was horrible. What I want to know is how anybody that saw this movie during the production stage would think that it would possibly make money. It's THAT bad. I've put Bangkok Dangerous on my list of "The Worst Movies of 2008".
If you missed our review of this movie on The Ray Lytle Show friday morning we talked about Nicholas Cage and how the only movie he's made in the last 5 years that made any money was "Ghost Rider" then we all came to the conclusion that it didn't matter who played the character of the ghost rider that it would have made money. Since then I've come home and checked out the almight IMDB to find what other movies Cage has done that MIGHT have made money.. Here's what I found. I'm not sure how we missed these movies but I think that the National Treasure movies MIGHT have made a few dollars. And also within the last 5 years there has been another great Nicholas Cage movie, the movie is called "Matchstick Men". It stars Cage as a traveling salesman/con man who finds out he has a daughter but before he can turn his life around he decides to get his daughter in on "one last con".. It's definitely worth checking out. Released in 2004 so it should be easily available at any video rental store.
If you're into movies about hitmen, DC recommends "Collateral" starring Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx.. I threw out that Timothy Olyphant in Hitman was tolerable, but one of my favorite "hitman" movies is "The Whole Nine Yards" with Bruce Willis, Amanda Peet, Matthew Perry, Natasha Henstridge and Michael Clarke Duncan.. great stuff!
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