Solace- Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
This latest Bond epic picks up where Casino Royale left off with James Bond (Daniel Craig) in search of the mysterious Quantum group. In a globe spanning quest, Bond runs across the nefarious Dominic Greene (Mathieu Amalric) and his plans to stage a coup in a 3rd world country for material and political gain. If that weren't enough of a challenge, Bond must stay one step ahead of members of MI-6 and the CIA whose goals align with Dominic Greene. Luckily, Bond gets some help along the way from the sultry and secretive Camille (Olga Kurylenko). Will James find solace in ending the latest gambit from Quantum? That remains to be seen...
This new retooled version of the James Bond series is firing on all cylinders! Gone is the suave, martini swilling playboy your father knew. The new Bond is one part grifter, one part Jack Bauer. While I was hesitant with the new direction of the franchise at first, These new movies have delivered on the hype. While the gadgets and dry humor are no longer part of the main theme, the classics are now available on blue ray to enjoy. Meanwhile, Daniel Craig is indeed the new James Bond for the new millennium. Rated PG-13 106 Minutes Grade A
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