Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Charile Sheen Films

Due to the recent activities of Charlie Sheen, I thought it would be a good idea to compile a list of Mr. Sheen's best movies that people need to see before anything happens to the guy (beyond ranting while being interviewed on-air). These should be watched again for anyone wanting a deeper insight into the mastermind that is Charlie Sheen.

  1. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Just a cameo, but likely the start of it all as John Hughes cast him as a drugged out recidivist.
  2. Being John Malkovich - another small part, but this could explain why he's perfectly happy to live like there is no tomorrow. He has a back-up plan.
  3. The Wraith - He has mystical power to eradicate his enemies in an 80's ironic fashion.
  4. Hot Shots - The movie where he befriended fighter pilots.
  5. Young Guns - Gunned down halfway through, yet he came out with a better career than his brother.
  6. Red Dawn - WOLVERINES!!!!
  7. Major League - where Wild Thing learned how to "Winning!"
  8. Eight Men Out - just a good movie.
  9. Platoon - The movie that likely changed his perception to a higher plane.
  10. Wall Street - "Greed is good."

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