A pair of adventurers try to track down an ancient Aztec gold! Chuck Norris and Louis Gossett Jr star in FireWalker... No that's not it either.
Firepoof er, Fireproof rather, stars Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter and all around man's man who is the go to guy in the local fire house. Unfortunately, for as successful he is at work, he is equally unsuccessful on the home-front. As his marriage ends before him, Caleb's father sticks his nose in, er, offers advice to his confused son by providing a book entitled the Love Dare. Initially, Caleb's new efforts are met with reluctance and uncertainty by his wife Catherine (Erin Bethea). Over time, however, Caleb starts putting his heart into his efforts and allows God to guide him to be a better husband through prayer. (no, really!) Rated PG
Unless you already have group tickets to go to see this one with your church group, I recommend setting yourself on fire before being dragged to this movie. Otherwise, God be with you, and bring a phone with an internet connection.
Grade: F (for flaming bags of excrement would get a more positive response)
For those who would prefer to see real fire fighting drama, I suggest catching the mini-sodes of Rescue Me available on YouTube for starters.
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