Max Payne (Mark Wahlberg) is desperately seeking answers behind the unsolved murder of his wife and daughter. Years have gone by without any answers and all leads have grown cold. However, a chance encounter during a random shake down slowly progresses towards a brutal murder scene with Max as the only suspect. Now on the run and in the cold, Max discovers his new woes may be linked to his wife’s death. Finally, Max may get the chance for revenge and redemption.
Based on the video game of the same name, Max Payne has the same basic plot line. The only twist is the mystery of the angels that show up in the previews. Without that, Max Payne is just another revenge-based action movie.
For those that would prefer not to spend the $7 to find out the mystery, the paragraph below lets you in on the secret. If you prefer to be surprised or figure it out on your own, skip the next paragraph. Rated PG-13 Run time 100 Minutes Grade C
The angels are actually hallucinations of the underground street drug Valkyr. The drug gives everyone the feel of invincibility along with the unfortunate side effect of seeing horrific valkyries. In a climax all soccer moms are sure to understand, Max takes the hallucinogenic and goes on a trigger happy rampage against the killers.
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