Once a month, I'm going to try to show the big movies coming out for that month. I may point out a few duds as well.
October 10th
- Body of Lies-Looks like a terrorist version of the Departed especially with DiCaprio in it. Too bad Traitor beat them to the box office. However, Russell Crowe usually has good sense when picking movie parts.
- The Express-Just in time for October, an inspirational movie about a sports legend!
- Quarantine-This looks like a zombie movie crossed with the bad photography of the Blair Witch. And does anyone else see the night vision shots and flashback to that Paris Hilton video?
- City of Ember-Think Journey to the Center of the Earth, but in reverse...
- Max Payne-Based on a video game which usually is not a good sign, but I'm curious why scenes include the sky turning to fire and a horde of angels randomly appearing. Starring Mark Walburg and Mila Kunis
- Sex Drive- This movie caught my interest when a preview shows a cop trying to mace a fast-food mascot then screaming, "The big Mexican won't go down!"
- W.-Given Oliver Stone's history, this movie could be insanely boring or just plain insane. I'm having trouble telling whether or not the movie is a satire or a tribute to our lame-duck President...
October 24th
- Changeling-Jon Malkovich and Angelina Jolie provide the star power, but Clint Eastwood is directing. On his track record alone, this movie may worth checking out.
- High School Muical 3: Senior Year-Note: want to be successful like Disney? Milk every idea for as much money as you can while beating the same premise into the ground and then set it to bubble-gum pop.
- Pride and Glory-Ed Norton and Colin Farrell in a cop movie? Sounds like money, however this one was supposed to come out back in March. Was it due to the company preferring better time based on the strike or were there bad reviews in early test screenings?
- Saw V-See above note on High School Musical 3 except use creepy industrial music...
October 31st
- Haunting of Molly Hartley-Anybody remember when this movie was called Carrie?
- Zack and Miri Make a Porno-I was signed up to see this even before I found out it was from the mind of Kevin Smith (Clerks, Dogma, Clerks 2)
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