Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wolverine Trailer
The Day the Earth Stood Still

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Terminator Salvation Trailer
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Jim Carrey Voiced film was loved by kids and even though very few people remember it was one of the highest grossing films of 08. Once again on both regular DVD and Blu-Ray in different versions. There are good prices and it makes a great gift for a child that you would like to spend a couple hours in their bedrooom watching it rather than in the living room bothering you. My advice find the cheap regulare DVD. Paying Blu-Ray price for something that is only gonna be watched on a small childs TV seems ridiculous

Mark my words this series will go down in history as one of the greatest shows of all time. I am talking top 3 when it's all said and done. If you can get a good price PICK IT UP. If not rent it and spend a good week getting caught up. I am wanting to get the blu Ray if I can get a good price. Should be awesome special features!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Looking Ahead December

December 5th
Cadillac Records– The story of the rise and fall of the Chicago based Chess Records which launched the careers of Muddy Waters, Etta James, and Chuck Berry. Adrian Brody, and Beyonce Knowles star. The music of these blues legends is unforgettable, but is the story about the record company that promoted them worth telling?
Frost/Nixon- Based on the 1977 series of interviews between David Frost and Richard Nixon. Ron Howard directs a loaded cast. With Howard’s track record this should be done well, but is Nixon still relevant?
Nobel Son- When a Nobel prize winner refuses to pay the ransom for his son who is being held hostage, his son joins the kidnappers in a plot for revenge. This may be an entertaining movie with dark humor. But this one may not make the screens in Springfield.
Punisher: War Zone- The sequel of the Punisher minus Thomas Jane and the dark humor that made the previous movie. Based on the preview this may give the original with Lundgren a run for its money for Marvel’s 2nd worst movie. (Hulk being the worst)
December 12th
Day the Earth Stood Still- Jennifer Connelly and Keanu Reeves star in the remake of the 1951 classic about an alien race come to wipe out the destructive people of Earth. The original preached about peace. The previews for this updated version makes the aliens look like they are following a Green initiative.
Doubt- Starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep, this movie is based on the best-selling novel about a nun confronting a priest after suspecting him of abusing a student. Just in time for the Catholics biggest holiday!
Nothing Like the Holidays- A Latino family with nothing in common other than being part of the family get together for the holidays. John Leguizamo, Alfred Molina, and Freddy Rodriguez star. The preview is funny, but it’s missing explosions.
The Reader- Kate Winslet and Ralph Fiennes star in what looks like a 2008 version of the English Patient. This is good for the people who were waiting for 2008’s version of the English Patient…
December 17th
The Wrestler- In one of the more compelling movies coming out this month, Mickey Rourke star as an aging wrestler trying to move on with his life after suffering a career ending injury. However, when a chance to get back in the ring arises, will he risk everything for another shot at center stage. The preview is on our site and looks to be a must see. Unfortunately, this may fall below the Springfield Kerasotes radar.
December 19th
Seven Pounds- Will Smith stars as a man with a secret and a plan for redemption with a plan that could affect the lives of seven strangers forever. I’m curious as to know what Smith’s character did. (My guess is he killed a child while driving drunk, or he made a video with Hillbilly Joe and Ms Kitty)
Tale of Despereaux- An animated story about a mouse with over-sized ears and a large amount of courage set in the age of maidens and dragons. This is the family movie for the kids after Bolt and Madagascar have been seen.
Yes Man- Jim Carey stars as a man who makes a promise to say yes to whatever comes along. Jim Carey may be back on top of the comedy star list after this movie.
December 25th
Bedtime Stories- Adam Sandler stars in this movie where the stories he tells his nephews in the evening become reality the next day. Look out! Sandler is in another wacky situation!
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button- Benjamin (Brad Pitt) is living his life in reverse. As the title says, the trailer makes me curious…
Marley & Me- The story about a man giving his girlfriend a dog and the dog becomes more of a handful than the couple originally thought. Starring Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson. My only thought on this movie is how scantily clad Aniston will be…
The Spirit- Directed by the creator of Sin City and adapted from Will Eisner’s graphic novels, The Spirit stars a series of femme fatales (Scarlett Johansson, Eva Mendes, and Sarah Paulson) sent to kill the city’s masked crusader (Gabriel Macht). Samuel L Jackson stars as the criminal mastermind, The Octopus. If you liked Sin City, The Spirit will definitely tide you over until Sin City 2 is released.
December 26th
Gran Torino- Clint Eastwood stars as a retired soldier forced to defend his neighborhood from an Asian gang. I like Eastwood, but can he still pull of the grizzelled old man or will he come off like my grandfather looks after he soils his depends?
Revolutionary Road- Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet star as an unconventional couple trying to find fulfillment in an age of conformity. Based on the description, I thought HBJ may have a lawsuit, but after watching the preview I fell asleep.
Valkyrie- Based on a true story, Tom Cruise stars as part of the conspiracy to assassinate Hitler. Most historians know how this one should play out and Bryan Singer's last movie was the dreck Superman Returns. Singer, however, has a great track record with movies that involve Nazis and/or deception (see Apt Pupil and Usual Suspects).
Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Some Quick Throwbacks Hits for November

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Nate's Review of Quantum of Solace

Let me start this review by stating that, in some aspects, I agree with Ray and DC, and I disagree on some aspects. I will also admit that I was one of those skeptics who wasn't sure if Daniel Craig was the right person to play Bond, but after the opening scene in Casino Royale I was certain that he was the right choice. He has, in two films, changed the face of the traditional James Bond character that has since taken over 17 films to create. He's taken the role from an almost cartoonish depiction of a british super agent, to a more "in your face" fist fighting agent who doesn't rely on gadgets or special weapons to get him through the mission at hand.
If I have to give a review right this minute, I'd have to say that "Quantum of Solace" was not my favorite of the many James Bond movies but after thinking about it I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt as a film that's a setup for bigger and better things to come. If you read Ray and DC's reviews of the film you see that this movie does setup the Quantum group as a villain group that will oppose the new Bond, just as SPECTRE did the old Bond. I do hope that the villains start getting more interesting as Dominic Greene was by far the least interesting villain I've seen in a Bond movie. He portrayed a bad guy that was more of a "see the big picture" computer geek mastermind type than a muscle type that had the weapons to put together a climatic fight with Bond at the end of the movie. I say that I hope the villains get more interesting because as you'll see at this movie all we're really given is that Quantum seems like it's made up of mostly "mastermind" types.
If you're a true Bond fan, you'll go see this regardless of any review, but if you're NOT a Bond fan take my advice and at very least go out and rent "Casino Royale" before checking out Quantum of Solace. You'll wish you had if you haven't!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Let me start by saying that I LIKED THIS MOVIE. I am a huge fan of all things Bond. I was also one of the people that was not sure Daniel Craig was the correct choice to take over the role. I was proven wrong after I saw CASINO ROYALE.
Now I think I made an incredibly smart decision by watching Casino Royale not that long ago. I mean how could I not I got it on Blue Ray! By watching it I think I was less confused than some others might have been at the beginning of this movie. It picks up minutes after the last movie ended. The car chase scene at the beginning of the movie is incredible and it is cool to see a movie get right into action and take advantage of the fact that we know the characters.
Daniel Craig is Awesome again as Bond. And Dame Judi Dench continues to be Magnificent as M. Let's face it Judi Dench is the best. Seriously, she is amazing. I would watch her play any role. I mean she could pull off a movie where she is a teacher who ends up coaching inner city black kids in basketball. She could pull off the mean Grandmother with a heart of gold in a BENJI movie. She could pull off World

I like the fact that the creation of the QUANTUM group gives Bond a SPECTRE like organization to fight against. I liked the action in the beginning chase scene that has some of the same running and jumping that was made so famous in the last movie. I loved the female roles in the movie. Strawberry Fields was super hot and Im not a big fan of redheads. I loved the scene when Bond gets photos of the members of the Quantum organization while the opera is going on.
What I didnt like was NO SEX WITH THE BOLIVIAN CHIC. COME ON!! Its Bond.
I hated the artsy action scene with the opera finale behind it. I know the director was trying something new but it didnt work. That scene should have played out normally like all other Bond action sequences. I also think that we have seen Rogue Bond enough. Next movie let's not have him go off rogue. Let's also get a less pussy acting villian. My wife could have punched out Dominic Greene who otherwise was a great villian. I also think the producers need to leave the Bourne movies alone. They are what they are. We dont need to take that annoying frenetic pacing from those movies. In other words Bond movies are great we dont need to steal from the Bourne movies. Come on youre better than that.
Overall with the exception of the handful of nit picky things I just mentioned I loved this movie
4 out of 5 on RAYSCALE. Go see it.

James Bond: Quantum of Solace

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Role Models

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Stella (Thandie Newton) wants excitement in her life. One Two (Gerard Butler) and Mumbles (Idris Elba) want to buy into the land owner business. Lenny Cole (Tom Wilkinson) wants to be be known as the king of property. Uri (Karel Roden) wants to build his stadium where he damn well pleases. Roman (Chris Bridges) and Micky (Jeremy Piven) want their most popular musician back. Johnny Quid (Toby Kebbell) wants more drugs. Archie (Mark Strong) wants a moments rest. All of them are about to find out you don't always get what you want.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Looking Ahead November

Zach & Miri Make a Porno

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

As W (Josh Brolin) meets in his office in mid 2002 determining whether or not to invade Iraq, he begins to flash back to influential moments of his life. Filmed in traditional Oliver Stone style, the movie jumps back and forth through time like a rabbit on crystal meth, yet keeps the progression of the story. The movie would be a great political satire if most of these events hadn’t actually happened.
The acting in the movie is fantastic although at some points the scenes seemed like an all-star SNL skit. Richard Dreyfuss disappears into the role of Dick Cheney. My only complaint in the acting department is James Cromwell, who is a great actor, didn’t seem to make a good Bush Sr.
As for the movie itself, a lot of Bush’s history is glossed over and many things aren’t even mentioned (cocaine use, election fixing). However the movie does the job of capturing the character of the man. Love him or hate him, you have to admit W is a compelling character. Rated PG 13 Run time 130 minutes
Grade C
Max Payne

Max Payne (Mark Wahlberg) is desperately seeking answers behind the unsolved murder of his wife and daughter. Years have gone by without any answers and all leads have grown cold. However, a chance encounter during a random shake down slowly progresses towards a brutal murder scene with Max as the only suspect. Now on the run and in the cold, Max discovers his new woes may be linked to his wife’s death. Finally, Max may get the chance for revenge and redemption.
Based on the video game of the same name, Max Payne has the same basic plot line. The only twist is the mystery of the angels that show up in the previews. Without that, Max Payne is just another revenge-based action movie.
For those that would prefer not to spend the $7 to find out the mystery, the paragraph below lets you in on the secret. If you prefer to be surprised or figure it out on your own, skip the next paragraph. Rated PG-13 Run time 100 Minutes Grade C
The angels are actually hallucinations of the underground street drug Valkyr. The drug gives everyone the feel of invincibility along with the unfortunate side effect of seeing horrific valkyries. In a climax all soccer moms are sure to understand, Max takes the hallucinogenic and goes on a trigger happy rampage against the killers.
Sex Drive

Sex Drive – Luckless virgin, Ian (Josh Zuckerman) gets an instant message from his online girlfriend, Ms. Tasty, requesting if he brings his 1969 GTO Judge down to see her, she will go all the way with him. The only flaw is the car actually belongs to Ian’s older brother Rex (James Marsden). Fortunately, Ian’s friend Lance (Clark Duke) convinces Ian to take the car, hit the road, and finally get his cherry popped. However, as always, the best of plans get laid to waste including: Ian’s best friend Felecia decides to tag along with the guys, Rex finds out his car is missing, run ins with strange locals frequently occur, and a the group has a chance encounter with an Amish fellow who happens to be a fantastic mechanic.
Aside from a few random jokes, Sex Drive is a mediocre comedy with the same underlying plot of most movies where the unlucky guy happens to have a hot female best friend. Yet neither seem to notice each other until the 3rd act.
Rated R run time 109 minutes Grade D
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Somebody out there give Val Kilmer a real job, Please!
Monday, October 13, 2008
One of the best shows you may not be watching

Body of Lies

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Throwback Movies on DVD

Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Looking Ahead

- Body of Lies-Looks like a terrorist version of the Departed especially with DiCaprio in it. Too bad Traitor beat them to the box office. However, Russell Crowe usually has good sense when picking movie parts.
- The Express-Just in time for October, an inspirational movie about a sports legend!
- Quarantine-This looks like a zombie movie crossed with the bad photography of the Blair Witch. And does anyone else see the night vision shots and flashback to that Paris Hilton video?
- City of Ember-Think Journey to the Center of the Earth, but in reverse...
- Max Payne-Based on a video game which usually is not a good sign, but I'm curious why scenes include the sky turning to fire and a horde of angels randomly appearing. Starring Mark Walburg and Mila Kunis
- Sex Drive- This movie caught my interest when a preview shows a cop trying to mace a fast-food mascot then screaming, "The big Mexican won't go down!"
- W.-Given Oliver Stone's history, this movie could be insanely boring or just plain insane. I'm having trouble telling whether or not the movie is a satire or a tribute to our lame-duck President...
- Changeling-Jon Malkovich and Angelina Jolie provide the star power, but Clint Eastwood is directing. On his track record alone, this movie may worth checking out.
- High School Muical 3: Senior Year-Note: want to be successful like Disney? Milk every idea for as much money as you can while beating the same premise into the ground and then set it to bubble-gum pop.
- Pride and Glory-Ed Norton and Colin Farrell in a cop movie? Sounds like money, however this one was supposed to come out back in March. Was it due to the company preferring better time based on the strike or were there bad reviews in early test screenings?
- Saw V-See above note on High School Musical 3 except use creepy industrial music...
- Haunting of Molly Hartley-Anybody remember when this movie was called Carrie?
- Zack and Miri Make a Porno-I was signed up to see this even before I found out it was from the mind of Kevin Smith (Clerks, Dogma, Clerks 2)
Monday, October 06, 2008
Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist

Trying to get over a break-up with his girlfriend of 6 months, Nick (Michael Cera) is coerced by his friends to come out and play bass for their gig. The group Nick plays in is an indie-gay rock band called the Jerk Offs. Meanwhile, Norah (Kat Dennings) is convinced to go out with her hard partying friend (Ari Graynor) and hit the underground band scene. As events unfold, Nick and Norah are forced together by Nick’s band-mates to go out and find the secret location of a secret show by the ultimate underground band. Music , at first, seems to be the only thing Nick and Norah have in common, but as the night progresses, it suddenly feels like anything might be possible. Run time: 90 minutes Rated PG-13
Set in the New York City underground music scene, this movie provides a dynamic story of romance and possibilities. Like Ray said on-air Monday, all it could take for a lasting relationship is one long night together. This one provides for men and women alike. Whether a fan of music or not, the teens and parents should enjoy this movie.
Grade: A

Two gunmen are hired by the townspeople of Appaloosa. Virgil Cole (Ed Harris) and Everett Hitch (Viggo Mortensen) have been bringing law to small towns for years, but this town offers a serious adversary for the two friends in the form of Randall Bragg (Jeremy Irons). Bragg is an wily adversary who runs a ranch just outside of town and feels his men should be allowed to do whatever they want while in Appaloosa. Things become even more difficult when Allison French (Renee Zellweger) comes to town looking for work and starts to come between the two longstanding friends of Cole and Hitch. This is one town where feelings can get you killed. Run time: 116 minutes Rated R
This movie was a fantastic Western. Everyone afore-mentioned gave great performances, but Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen, especially, provided characters to remember. Now this one doesn’t go down into the great Westerns of all time (Tombstone, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Unforgiven, and Hondo); however, Appaloosa is a textbook Western/Cowboy movie. The movie runs slow at some points and the movie is filled by the simplicity of cowboy wisdom. Those that don’t have the patience to sit through the story to get to the gunfights may get a little frustrated with the movie, but any true fan of the genre should put this one on the must-see list.
Grade: B-
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People

Sidney Young (Simon Pegg) is the owner/lead journalist of a small British celebrity magazine. After crashing a party hosted by the editor of Sharp’s magazine by pretending to be the handler for the pig from Babe 3, Sidney is offered a starting position by the editor (Jeff Bridges). Immediately in over his head, Sidney arrives on the New York entertainment scene constantly bumbling about and often speaking his own contrary opinions to people who are uninterested. Finding and unlikely friend in his co-worker Alison Olsen (Kirsten Dunst), Sidney quickly tries to get her help in bagging the new “it girl” on the scene (Megan Fox). Run time: 90 minutes Rated PG-13
Not everyone may find a movie about a celebrity magazine writer’s fall to power all that interesting. Simon Pegg fans should enjoy his typical irreverent humor, otherwise How to Lose Friends and Alienate people has about as much originality to offer as another remake of Can’t Buy me Love. This one may be worth waiting until the movie gets to dvd. In the meantime Simon Pegg fans can go out and rent Run Fatboy Run, Hot Fuzz, or Spaced (the British television show where he got his start). Grade C
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

5 Reasons to rent Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Iron Man on DVD Today!!

One of the best movies of the summer is finally on DVD!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Miracle at St. Anna

In 1983, Hector Negron (Laz Alanso) shot a man in cold blood. A seemingly upright citizen and decorated war veteran, Hector does not seem to have any motive for the crime. Cub reporter Tim Boyle (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) takes interest in the story especially after helping find a priceless artifact in Hector’s apartment. This drives Tim to question Hector about the intriguing mystery, which began in 1944 Italy.
In 1944, four buffalo soldiers end up trapped in a small Tuscan villa during World War II after one of the soldiers risks his life to save an injured boy.
The story is inspired by the August 1944 Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre perpetrated by the Waffen-SS in retaliation to Italian partisan activity. According to the Buffalo Soldier National Museum: 500,000 Blacks were stationed overseas, amounting to 4% of the 11 million Americans who served on foreign shores during World War 2. About 10% of blacks were in combat units. The all-black 92nd Infantry was in Italy, and had 616 killed in action and 2,187 wounded.
The movie was actually done fairly well and its lackluster performance in the box office is rather disappointing. The movie is rather epic in scope and actually provides a point of view from all sides involved in the war. Some moments occur where I thought, “okay Spike, I get it. White people are racist…” All in all however, I thought it was a pretty good war movie. While it’s not Saving Private Ryan, Platoon, or Dirty Dozen, Miracle at St Anna is one of the better war movies I have seen in a while. If you like war movies, I recommend giving this one a shot. Just remember its rated R and leave the kids at home.
Grade: C+
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lakeview Terrace

Sunday, September 21, 2008
My Best Friend's Girl